Chapter 2 - 2.3.1
Chapter 2: The Indian reservation today
2.3.1. Economy and source of incomes
The economic situation of the American Indians is quite variable and depending on the location. Each American Indian has a right to choose a job which he or she likes. It is also known than those who have the appropriate higher education are working as doctors, teachers, judges, scientists or as social workers and policemen.
It is shown by the US Census of 2000 that some of the American Indians work in the executive floors like in management and professional. There are several firms and enterprises held by American Indians which often serve in construction work or repair and offer a lot of jobs for Indians. American Indians who have secondary education or any education usually work as day laborers, work on the farms and plantations. What is more, the Native Americans make several profits out of their tribal land in the reservations. They can rent it to industry and enterprises or private tenants. They are also free to pursue farming, stock-breeding, fishing and hunting. Indians utilize their natural resources as wind and water power, timber but also petroleum, natural gas and uranium which is sold to the government or to companies of the energy industry. So we can say that these create the output in most cases and in return offer jobs for Natives. As far as we know, tourism is another very important source of income for Indians. Several things which we may list are: the sale of arts and crafts as souvenirs, wellness hotels, ski slopes and other sports like backpacking, as well as museums and other cultural centers when sometimes performs the actions of American Indian battles or the historical daily life are presented to tourists. There is also possibility to be entertained as well as to join American Indians today/Economy and sources of income 2010).